Account Aggregation

A clear view of multiple accounts through a single API.

Epiphany’s Account Aggregation gives you access to extensive account data through one single API integration and the ability to deliver a wider range of personalised services:

Personal & Business Finance Management

Risk Profile & Credit Scoring

Payments Reconciliation 

Give your customers a complete view of their current accounts and you will get loyalty in return. Gain awareness of the economic capabilities and preferences of your clients. Direct customer engagement to upsell and cross sell products. Real-time credit risk analysis providing instant decisioning for easy on-the-go credit lines. Create new customer experiences based on spending habits. These are just a few benefits you'll get by aggregating and categorizing account data.

Solution Highlights

Single API

Easily access the accounts data of all banks via a single API connection


Available as On-Premise, SaaS or PaaS solution


Covering 95% of Italian banking market


Add new connectors to bank's APIs in minutes at run time


Categorization engine to enrich transaction data


Complete peace of mind with full regulatory compliance

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