Epiphany ONE

How the startup uses IBM Cloud to help banks achieve digital transformation

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Business Challenge

To build its innovative open banking platform, Epiphany S.R.L. needed a cost-effective cloud solution with an architecture and features to speed application development and deployment.


Today, Epiphany runs its platforms on the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service on IBM Cloud and relies on a host of additional IBM offerings to power its technology.

Spadafora, who has worked with other cloud platforms, comments: “Compared to other solutions, IBM public cloud is much simpler to use, to move across all the features, and is also more intuitive. It is more cost-effective and faster for provisioning, and met all of our requirements for security.”

Epiphany uses the IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service as a cloud container application and appreciates that the technology is designed for high availability and automation. “We are a cloud domain, so we have to have an architecture like Kubernetes,” says Spadafora. “And we use the API provided by IBM to manage the Kubernetes and for automation.”

In the near future, Epiphany will move a piece of its platform, the Account Aggregation application, to IBM Cloud Pak® offerings to facilitate deployment and take advantage of their AI services. To meet the requirements, the company certified its platform on Red Hat® OpenShift® on IBM Cloud technology. “We completed our certification and our application meets all the criteria,” says Spadafora. “So we will start to migrate a few components to the Cloud Pak.”

Epiphany has also installed and configured several IBM Cloud services to work with its Epiphany PSD2 compliance application. A few of these technologies, which are fully managed by IBM, include:

“The full IBM stack is really good,” adds Spadafora. “Everything is kind of integrated. Sometimes there are things you just cannot do with some other technology vendors.” Today, Epiphany works with IBM under an Embedded Solution Agreement (ESA). The agreement enables the startup to integrate its technology in IBM offerings and increase its market reach and exposure.


Business growth and innovation

Banks are excited about the Epiphany ONE platform. For a recent presentation to a prospective customer, Epiphany and one of its partners built a working customized demo of the platform in just two weeks.

“The client was surprised we delivered the POC [proof of concept] in such a short time,” recalls Spadafora.

Spadafora and his staff also appreciate IBM Cloud for its ease of use, and the support they get from IBM. In addition, IBM’s global network of data centers helps the company expand into new markets and satisfy customer requirements.

 “When we have an issue, IBM support responds quickly and efficiently.”

Spadafora says his customers also benefit from IBM Cloud and IBM technology in many other ways: namely, resiliency, stability, agility and faster time to market.

“It’s the cloud itself,” he concludes. “You get everything up and running quickly. It's a proven architecture so every time we get a new customer, it's the same reference architecture. You don't introduce any regression even if you do some customization. The availability, resilience and security that it offers is important too. It's all certified.

“In the end, we’ve always appreciated the IBM technology.”

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