Open Banking

Epiphany Open Banking is a cloud-native solution offering fast PSD2 Compliance to banks and ASPSP.

Epiphany’s Open Banking is a ready-to-use white label solution aimed at eliminating the burden of PSD2 compliance within weeks.

TPP Management

Full security checks: against TPP Directory and validation of eIDAS certificate. TPP OnBoarding & identity check.


Strong Customer Autentication implements Dynamic Linking, Exemption Rules and support Redirect, Decoupled and Embed. 


Consent implemented as per PSD2 Regulation with APIs to easily integrate management into bank digital channels.


API exposed to TPP implement "The Berlin Group" standard version 1.3



Developer Portal

Developer portal & Sandbox available for TPP to integrate and test Bank APIs before going in production.


Audit trails compliant to EPC153-10 Guidelines help troubleshoot issues and dispute resolution.



Extract API calls exceeding minimal by law to use for billing.


Anti Fraud

Machine Learning anti-fraud based on user behavior, biometrics, geolocation and PSD2 requirements.


Regulatory reports generation, custom reporting upon client specifications.


Available on-prem, Saas or any cloud. OpenShift Certified, tested on IBM Cloud and AWS.


Modular solution support multiple provider for TPP directory, SCA, and other modules.

Seamless integration

SDK, sample code, documentation to speed-up integration with Core Banking systems.

Our case studies

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